
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Bye Bye 2015, Hello 2016

Early Dec. 2015 in ShekO Beach.
2015 is not a year for me, have been suffering, lost my passion of work and sports.  The whole year have been navigating where i am and never come to the shore or arrives any destination. I hope 2016 would be a better year for me, a new direction to be set off and take action to it. To summarize, this is my Top 10.

1. Accomplished 2 key project milestone on time with a new model type of new development concept. Having great experience working with a team of French and Canadian consultant where i learn from them and having some hard time too! In view of cultural difference towards government / contractual submission.
2. Thanks my boss who gives me lots of opportunities to fall (to bottom) and rising me back again. Understanding my weakness (effective presentation) is the key to success.  I have pushes myself started to self debate, self talk, and practice public speaking. It really helped me alots.
3. The best of the year is i have my kitten arrives as part of my family. He called Micgo, adopted from a extended friend in Cheng Chau. A British short hair blue cat, now he is 8.5 months old. He brings lots of joy, worries and love to me. He is the best and i can't live without him now.
4. I have raced my 6th 70.3 Ironman race (not including 3 DNF over the past 8 years). It consist of 1.9km swim, 90km bike and 21km run in beautiful Kenting, Taiwan. Come back 6th in my age group, i have actually did my personal best of the race, completing a strongest field of girls. Hopefully i can be on the podium again amongst the best girls. The post race is awesome with my Team Sonic throw in with street BBQ, wine with our beach house boss and family. Thanks my coach, Charles and my Physiotherapist who worked so hard behind to support me. Earlier this year, i have fail at Taiwan Challenge Half. My fall due to improper recovery, allergy and my guts is missing!! Have the worst time in TaiTung.
5. Have 6 wonderful trips this year (not including my business trip) scatter in Koh Samui, Paris, Tai Tung, Taipei, Kenting, and Japan (Nagoya, Kyoto & Osaka). The holiday with family in Koh Samui is relaxing while the Japan trip with my family is fun, I have long time didnt lived with them and it brings back a lots of being a daughter memory. The Paris trip is unforgettable, combining work. Being alone for 9 days it let me to explore the other side of me. Meet new friends, revisit some of the old place and new place. Just wish that Charles is with me when i'm eating alone.
6. This year, i'm not passionate about work nor sports. Sometimes, feeling so alone, numb & lost; The mood is not there. Yes, moody. (May due to the Chinese Zodiac of being Sheep of year 2015 and yes i'm 36)
7. Discovered new sports - Crossfit. Yeah! Women who can lift!
8. EMBA or not. Still NOT.
9. In early Sep, i went to a SUP yoga retreat in HK remote island. I feel the love, support, sea and embraced myself every minute. I see what i'm missing and what i missed. I need that to support my soul.
10. I'm always glad that i have best friends around from the girls i have been handing around for years after years and my Team Sonic fellas who always pushes me to the limits, encourage me not to give up. Thank you all :)
11. I almost forgot, i have passed Driving exam in early Sep.! So thrilled.

Get Set Goal for 2016:
1. Get a New job (not related to properties development) that i will found passion, i would love to learn new things and explore my limitation.
2. Year of investment.
3. To go further of the sports i love, Triathlon, Marathon, SUP and Crossfit. The Ironman and 4deserts is what i'm watching.
4. To explore new places i never been: Norway, Grand Canyon, Nepal, Jordan Petra.
5. To study the veterinary nutrition for cats, bring new food that my cat will enjoy!
6. To train my cat going outdoor under guidance and be able to return the ball to me when he catch it.
7.  Hmmm, to study.
8.  To participate some group / team sports, to name a few the Outwardbound adventure race, Clean Half distance ocean swim.
9. Be able to join my college in some research study.
10. Be the best what i can be.

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