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Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Shoot for the moon

Great quote from Jocelyn Wongstar!
" Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss, you will land amongst the stars! "
For people who is still stubborn and like to be compare with someone ability which is fair!
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Friday, December 10, 2010
My New Choo

Have been looking for a modern gladiators at my super small size for the whole year, finally i got this pair tonight :) This is really what would die for..................Merry X'mas :)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Laguna Phuket Triathlon 2010
Wake up 5 a.m. Breakfast with the sonic at Laguna Beach Resort, I remember the music they play in gothic and seems like everyone ready for battlefield to load up before start. I was quite relax and once I was in TA, i was freaked out! Started worry if I have flat tire on the start,
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Thursday, December 2, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday Training (Run and Swim)
0:01:25 REST
SET 2:
My swim has been awefull his year: everytime i was FARRRRRRRRRRRRRR behind and being lap by the giant bastard / asshole :(
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sonic Sports Association Individual 40km Time Trial

Perfect weather and great arrangement by hubby! Everyone pushing their limits on the 40km flat TT, great to see everyone today:)
Here is my work out compare to last year:
2010: 1:18:54 ( 30.42km/h)
2009: 1:28:42 (27.06km/h)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Tai Tam Hill Repeat and Shek O Road easy spin
Hello, Its me
"Oh ooh, yeah
Does it ever feel like
No one is with you
No one sees it your way
Everyone's against you
But it's your life
Gotta keep the faith
Hold your vision
You will find your way, yeah
Ah, yeah, oh yeah
I may not fit the mold
May not do what I'm told
I will not be swayed
By the things that they might say
They may have had their doubts
No matter what I've found
I have held my ground
Look at me, I'm still around
So dream on, dream on, yeah
Don't ever let them steer you wrong
When life comes knocking
Gotta keep on rocking
Open that door and
Shout it to the world, singing
Hello, hello, ha
Here I am, here I go
Yeah, yeah
'Cause I got love to give
And I got dreams to live
So hello, hello
Hello, hello, oh ooh yeah
And if you don't fit in
Just know your differences
Are beautiful to see
Well, they're beautiful to me
There's no one quite like you
Be proud in all you do
You know you'll find a way
Be who you are, don't be ashamed now
Shine baby, shine, yeah
'Cause it's all in your mind
The life you crave
The love you make, said
It's all up to you and
You just gotta say
Hello, hello
Here I am, and here I go
Yeah, yeah
I got love to give
And I got dreams to live
So hello, hello
Hello, hello
So don't you ever let it pass you by
It's your life
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You gotta dream, you know you gotta try
It's your time to shine, oh yeah
Said, shout it to the world, sing (loud)
Hello, hello, woo
Here I am, here I go
Yeah, yeah
I got love to give
And I got dreams to live
So hello, hello
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Hello, hello, ooh yeah
Hello, hello, oh ooh, yeah
Hello, hello
Hello, hello, yeah
Hello, hello, I said yeah, yeah
Said it goes on and on, yeah yeah
Hello, hello
Hello, hello, ooh
Ooh yeah
See you later
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Long run from my house to Shek O this morning! So emotional when I hit by my power song! Nice hang out with Ar Yee at Lulu's.
Come dine with Isabella and Hello oyster
Oyster night starts at 6 till 10 ish! Ordered 60 oyster tonight ( absolutely crazy for only 5 of us) as we have to eat on behalf of Joy from Perth!
Simple talk and laugh as always! Love you all my friends :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Hill is my friend, wind is my friend! Everything opposing me is just make me stronger!
I was being ask to run for a 10km race with someone's bib number. At first, I promised to do just because i want to hangout with the gang. But during these days, I thought this is not a good attitude of athletes! And co-incidentally, my doctor have confirmed that I shouldn't do any racing this Sunday! So I give back the bib to the owner. I'm feeling much better!
I kick start the day with some Sonic gang in Shek O for a long brick session! Started in the mile water for swim, I managed to follow Ying Ho in a line! ( started worrying to swim with 1000ppls, how pack would be!)
On the bike, I have requested Kenneth to give more hard time for us (sorry guys for not having any races), few times hill repeats and I have to do what Belinda told me how to train on hill, grinding harder and harder with the strong head wind! I was just thing someone said:" hill is my friend, wind is my friend! Everything opposing me is just made me stronger!"And thanks Kenneth for pushing me at the back with his motor, i feel that i was being pushed my super engine. Spinning hard on the uphill with super hard gear which i can fully optimize my Zipp performance.
Did few time hill repeat for the run to end the Sunday brick session!
Feeling good today with such beautiful weather in Shek O! Hope that all my pal is doing good on their 10km race today! And I think I have made my right choice!
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Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
From: 曾 映涵 <>
Date: 2010/11/4
Subject: 鐵人三項(台灣)
我的名字是 Ying-Han Tseng
也許我們也可以用facebook聊天 呵呵!!
希望下次 好運會降臨於妳!! 加油!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Message from Taiwanese
Happy to received a message from the Supported crew from Taiwan. Photo was taken while my last punture stopped at the school.
On 2010年11月2日, at 下午10:10, 陳 雅筠 wrote:
加油! ^^
Monday, November 1, 2010
I look forward
I have long story only on my race day! To conclude 3 flat tyre made me DNF for Taiwan 70.3 which I have prepared well since August to make me here!
Arrived 2 days before the race day, rode 30km for test ride, water check but not the run course! Everything went perfect and checked my bike without any bad sign! Have very good sleep at the night before and wake up with perfectly good shape!
Arrived TA at 5 a.m and Charles helped me to pump up the tyre on front! The real problem came! The front wheel keep deflating and can hear clearly the air was coming out from the valves, I was so depressed at that moment! So I asked Charles to pump my rear tyre first and I bring the whole front wheel to the bike mechanic to fix. I was extremely nervous and thats alot of questions behind me. The guy helped me to take out the inner tube to check, there a one puncture nearby the valves. So I took out my spare to him with an air tested. Everything is fine until the outer tyre is mounted and we pumped up, the air keep blowing out! Watched my watch every minute as I know the TA will be closed at 6 and by that time is 5:45. I was completely down as I did't set up anything and I don't know I can make myself to the START line, I know I'm started to sobbed but I could't help. Sally (小汪)appeared, she is trying to figure out what's going on with the bike mechanic. She is swapping the valve from the old tube to this one and we tried again. Same problem! Kenneth was with me and helped and i said "go" u should be ready at the start as i realized there are not much people left around. And this time we found the whole on the other side. I was hopeless, most of the athlete gone.
By that time, i saw Belinda and Justin walking towards the swim start and cheers for me" Gigi, you still got time 30 mins to start, don't worry!Th" i was so glad that the people i know they cheer me up, and help me.BM try to use the electric type to cover the hole a and bundle with elastic band, this is the first time I did with my wheel. We tested and OK. I ran quickly with my wheel toward the TA. Luckily Charles is still waiting for me. So he mounted the wheel for me and I quickly take out my wetsuit, goggle and cap ran out of the TA! I have no time to think about the sun screen, aqua guild and my bike, run and nutrition set up!
Ran towards the start with my half way wetsuit. Charles is will me all the time asked me to calm down as he realize I was breathing so vigorous! Sonic team is already there and they cheer me up and was saying so happy to see me at the START! I started to sobbed inside my goggle! Making myself to stand on the START is not easy to me today, and i should treasure the time:) Washed my face and the race just started.
I take a rather back start approach as I know it will be a packed swim with 820 people to swim together! No points to be flighting! I was being kicked, pushed at the first lap, goggle off and on. So hard to manage my breathing rhythm as I don't have wetsuit swim practice for long! Feeling like neck is being squeeze into half and cannot breathe! Saw many peoples is swimming so ridiculous as they tried to swim on one hand and pull the robe (marking line) with the right hand to pull the swim fast! This is so funny!
After the first lap of 450m out and back, I feel I get back my rhythm and I can swim my own pace without any interfere! Feeling quite exhausted at the beginning and just too much on my mine! Done my wetsuit PB at T1, grabbed my bike and I'm feeling glad that I can race again:)
I'm doing my best on the bike as I know I can paddle hard and my swim was't good. On the bike, it doesnt set up yet, meter not working. Water is half fill( no time, i was being kick out at TA) gel is inside my suit. I have passed so many people on the road, and I still keeping my faith and never think about to give up with my tyre situation. "thank god I can still race" is always on my mind!
When I reach around 25 km, I feel that the front wheel is funny, like rolling on the bump again and I again! I stopped and found out the tyre is flat again!( thanks for the only method that the BM use the elastic band to bundle my inner tube) I was hopeless in the middle of the road, looking the peoples passing me is torturing!
I manage to walk to the closest support and I confirm with them I have to stop and cannot race! By that moment I'm looking back my training hours I have put every week, the hard time to wake up at 6 A.M before work and all the non stop session I have worked out is all ruined by something I could not expect and cannot prepared for it, no matter how well I trained for, how many inner tubes I ride with and by what time they will be flat. ( I have to say the problem is not the wheel, many peoples have asked me must be your wheel problem and I wonder why they said so. I have been riding my Zipp 404 650c over the past 2 month, no flat, no problem at all) I would say I'm bad luck. I have done whatever I can and prepared well with 2 inner tubes, co2, things like this with me. All finished! And I have no choice and I need to stop!
It was a hard day for me and I keep think about where is the problem. And understand my Hubby is suffering from his first HIM, so I must be positive and I get changed. Be the supporter on the road and that's all I could do. Understand thats its hard for me to cheer up for other on the road especially i have fail, it took a while for me to stand on the road, taking pictures for peoples. Its hard to turn from a person who supposed to be racing and eventually changed to a support with camera on hand and say "well done, u doing good!" but i know, people need mu support at the last 6km, people looking tired and they need to be awake. Sorry guys I was not able to talk when u guys come to Finish! I have to shut down myself and I just cannot response anything. That's the real me, I cannot fake!
To end the story, I would like to to thanks my Hubby who always stand next to me no matter how mess i am. Never leave me alone. My great coach (Kenneth) who understand me NOW finally after his 6 years of coaching. My true friend, understand me, don't ask me anything! That's it I just need the accompany:) I can tell from the face!
Well, the story ends and a new one going to start. I took an hour run in the morning the next day, feeling fresh in Kenting. I have Phuket Tri coming a month later, I look forward for the next one and I look forward to rising up again. I would not fall. The bitter just make me stronger!
Enjoy the rest with Hubby and friends here for the beach and beer. So much warm from them to bring me laugh again!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Taiwan 70.3 ready?
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Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
K.Swiss 2010 HK ITU Triathlon Asian Cup
Sign up for Sprint distance tri this year as a tapering race for the next Sat. 70.3 Taiwan. Did amazing result today, Thanks coach Kenneth and Rockson for the training. Have my fastest T1 time among my age group :) Yo, Go Girl!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
21st OCT 2010

Morning at 06:45A.M.
Great 30mins run this morning at 6:45A.M. against the T3(Megi) . Thanks Kenneth for such easy program this morning so that i can sleep more..
Afternoon at 7:30P.M.
Back home while my maid is cleaning the house, i setted up my trainner under the T3. Completed 2 sets of Bike (10km) + Run (20mins). Very comfortably finish with such high motivating running around my community under this Typhoon 3. But i should confess here, i was mis-converting the 10km to time wrongly. Base on a 1'30" / km, i eventually just did a 15mins on the ride. It should be double or more to complete the 10km......silly me:(
20th Oct Training
Run: 20x 400m with 10sec rest each. (Sorry, i just did18 laps!)
1'52" / 1'59" / 1"58" / 1'57"/1'57" / 1'57" / 1'58" / 1'59"/1'58" / 1'54" / 1'57" / 1'57" / 1'59" / 1'55"/1'53" / 1'53" / 1'48" / 1'44"
Swim: So cold last night, no matter i did the 200m warm up plus numberous of 50m kick + 50m paddle and the 6 x (16plus8) till i finished 2 times 100 on 1'45" somethings. My body still cold and i must get out of the water.........Does it mean that i lost some fat??heheheehe???^*&@*&#)
There somethings reminded me today, i forgot to log my last lap time which i really want to keep a record. (Understand that Polar will erase your last lap time if you want to record your workout now) I determine to tap the START for this session and this comes to my mind: "I don't care the time which i have ran yesterday, because i'll run better today and tomorrow:)"
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
18th OCT Training
Run: 6x1KM on time. I was so happy that i can do a negative split once again. I'm so stupid that i didnt wear my watch and i cannot shown the time, accoriding to Charles ;my time should be less than 5min/km. Only pushed myself at the last set, great run with Su and Stephanie.
Swim: Feeling bad in the swim, possibly Su is right which we did not have enough warm up and i feel that i cannot swim and like struggling in the water...What a waste with such good condition of pool we can swim:(
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Woo, Kona
Friday, October 15, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Super Star Pro Tip #3 Listen your Body and Looking Forward
On Saturday I had one of the hardest decisions to make of my life – whether or not to toe the start line of the World Ironman Championships. In the end I didn’t race. But before I try and explain the decision that I made I want to start off with a huge congratulations to the amazing Mirinda Carfrae. Her performance on Saturday was nothing short of remarkable. She truly is a worthy World Champion.
So many thoughts are going through my head at the moment, and it will take time to sift through them all. I’d like to quickly elaborate on how I felt leading into the race and why I took the decision that I did. I started feeling slightly ill on Friday lunchtime, with a sore head and throat. I did my usual three short sessions that day but, on the run particularly, I knew something wasn’t quite right. My legs were like jelly and I was sweating much more than usual. My tired head hit the pillow at 7pm and I woke up several times during the night literally drenched in sweat, my head pounding and feeling like my throat was closing. I got up at 3.45am, had a shower, and went through my pre race routine hoping that I would feel better. But nothing improved. I knew I had to make one of the toughest decisions of my life.
Like all the other athletes, I invest so much time, passion, energy into getting myself in the best possible shape for Kona. I have so much respect for this race, and the toll it can take on your body. It is demanding and brutal, and competing when ill risks greater health problems. Furthermore, I believe I owed it to myself and all the other competitors to be able to give the performance I had trained so hard for. I sought counsel from those closest to me, but mostly tried to listen to my body, and what it was telling me. I said to myself, if I woke up on an ordinary day feeling like this would I train? The honest answer was no. At around 5am the decision was made. There was no going back.
Those that know me will understand how incredibly difficult, frustrating and heart wrenching it was to make that call. Two days later, and although I am starting to feel physically better, I know I made the right decision for me at that particular time. Yes I could sit here feeling sorry for myself, reflecting on what might have been, but ultimately wallowing in self pity doesn’t help me, or anyone else. My heart (and head) are hurting but my spirit is not broken. I will look to the future and all the amazing opportunities it will bring – putting Saturday behind me and moving on to fight another day. This is sport. As I have always said, it has ups and downs. Highs and lows. Yes, i do have a mountain to climb. But it is no different from any other I have faced, and scaled, before.
I want to give my deepest thanks to my amazing family, friends, coach and sponsors who have been with me every step of the way and to everyone around the world who has sent me messages of support and encouragement. I really do appreciate it. And, once again, my heartfelt congratulations to the two incredibly worthy World Champions, Mirinda and Chris, to my fellow GBR ‘top ten’ girls Julie, Rachel and Leanda….and to everyone that crossed that finish line on Saturday.
I am so fortunate to be able to get up each day and swim, bike and run; to have been crowned triple World Champion; to represent this amazing sport and to have opportunities i never could have dreamed of a few years ago. So, no looking back. Only forward. I will spend the coming days with my family and friends, seeing some of this amazing island with a smile on my face and tomorrow will head back to Boulder.
The journey to Kona 2011 begins here and the fire in my belly is already burning.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Ford Ironman World Championship

Breaking news last night:
CHRISSIE WELLINGTON IS OUT: (an official statement) It is with huge regret and after much soul searching that due to illness Chrissie has announced that she is unable to race. Chrissie started feeling unwell yesterday and attempted to train as normal but without her usual intensity. Chrissie left racking her bike until the last minute and hoped that by this morning her health would have improved sufficiently to start. Chrissie has described this as the hardest decision of her life to date and out of respect for the race and her fellow competitors feels that she should only start if she can compete in the manner that the sport of triathlon has become accustomed to. Chrissie would like to wish everyone an enjoyable and safe race.
And great that Charles is tuning on our TV to watch the Ironman Live and see Kent is crossing the finish line. He looks so tired and numb on his face. Wishing him a fast recovery and enjoy the party at Kona:)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
HK Training Camp Day 3 - Last Day
Saturday, October 2, 2010
HK Training Camp Day 2
HK Training Camp Day 2: 30km ride with 1.5 hours long run. Sweet:)
Intended to do 60km, but my "down there" is really calling me OFF! Cannot seat comfortably today no matter how much cream i put in like a cream cake....girls will understand when you are in PMS, and you need to ride and all messed up "down there" how would it feel.
See my doctor this afternoon, as my PMS will hit directly to my Kenting 70.3 race. Have to make it come earlier...but it hit the ITU in HK, not sure how it will go. And i have to re-calculating once again my next PMS come....See Charles doctor too, Doctor said he is just fine with normal blood pressure. It just too tired from work and overuse of computer??@*#*&^*@#* He started to feel dizzy after work and he gets really powerless especially on long bike ride...I'm really worried about him more than myself. I could not loss him. I decided to see another doctor for him tomorrow. Or i would ask him to do a whole body keeps worrying me.....
Happy to have HOME MADE LUNCH and DINNER today...I'm happy to see Charles is HAPPY:) i have made Greek salad again with pita and nan bread for lunch. And a Home made soy sauce chicken wings and mixed vegetable Won-ton and fish ball soup. So comfortable to be at home with him. I love you ♥ baby!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Sonic Girls Rocks

China National Day = Holiday in HK
Long ride this morning in Tung Chung. Kenneth made a big Sonic group today, long time not seeing such big ride. Sonic Girls manage to ride in groups, my first time to feel i enjoy the drafting. Sorry guys i really don't like to do drafting with you all, too powerful and too many break away to me. Sorry that Janice got 4 flats and thanks for Susana doing the lead in front especially to such head wind condition. Really enjoyable ride with you all, talks is fun and the ice-cream stations for inspiration break the long ride in just the right time:) Looking for more......
Home made dinner time
Got off from work q late, but really want to make somethings tonight as the kick start of the long weekend. Today special as below:
Starter: Greek salad with grille pita bread
Main course: Grill Aus. Pork Chop with New Zealand Tomatoes
*Great buy from Three Sixty and Pan Handler
Monday, September 27, 2010

Great movie on the plane though i was sitting separatly with Charles due to changing a bigger flight:(
Like Venessa Paradis in this movie, her act is so good, like her singing George Michal in the car and her dirty dance.
* This pair of Mary Jane is lovely...

Saturday, September 25, 2010
"It's all about hard work"

25th Sep. 2010(SAT) Jakarta Post
Good read in the morning when we have breakfast on SAT., but i was hopeless in Bali.....doing less than in HK, though it was my rest week..
Despite the god barking to us, we prefer to be back.....
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Bali Day 2_Ubud

Ubud, Cloudy and heavy rain at night
Morning run outside the Uma Ubud, not very fresh air as we are running the main road. Trying to explore the road and fail to find good one.
Swim at the standard 25m resort pool ( q standard in the way and we manage to record it was a really 25 m pool, highly recommended for a training and travel vacation)for our program today! Thanks Kenneth for the revised program sent from yesterday :) :)
Since we didn't eat anythings in the morning, we are extremely starving. We headed straight to the Kemiri for our breakfast:) very nice and this is why we liked all Como Hotel's philosophy. Charles would like to thanks "Christina Ong" once again:)
We take a small walk at the Monkey Forrest Road as our routine trip while we are in Ubud. The football field is still same old same old, and i can still locate the internet shop while we made our first trip to Ubud back to 2004( Thanks Charles to reminding me, my memory really gone. Seriously, i can't remember all the past things now)!
Lunch at Cafe Moka as usual.

Heavy rain at night, so we ordered in room tonight and with a surprise Anniversary Cake from Uma and Card. Lovely :)